Review: Hammond Leslie Cream Pedal

The names Hammond and Leslie have been around in music for longer than most of us can remember. But one usually thinks of big organs and killer rotary speaker cabinets when these names are mentioned. The last thing I would have thought about was a guitar pedal, until...


So, I have had the chance to play with a few newer Hammonds over the last couple of years and I am always impressed with what I get my hands on every time. That is why when I went to give the SK1-88 a quick fing this month I was not surprised in the quality of what...


Just over 60 years ago, the organ world was revolutionised by the introduction of the Hammond B3 organ, the “King” of instruments. These goliath keyboards delivered a sound and control quite unlike any other on the market and have continued to do so for decades. SO,...

Review: Hammond SK2

Musico supplied me with the new Hammond SK2 a while back and said, “Take it out and give it a run.” And so I did. I was so impressed with its size, versatility and sound quality, that it pretty much hasn’t left my side! The guys at Hammond have come...

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