Custom Setups

Sk Series

The Hammond Sk Stage Keyboards have been developed to serve musicians of every genre all over the world, and the Presets found in the OEM set reflect the Sk’s readiness to serve as the core keyboard in any lineup, anywhere.Our US and Canadian Artists /Endorsees, along with the thousands of you in the extended Hammond Family have shared your wants and needs with us, and we have begun to create special Setups and Whole Setups to reflect those needs. We have created new combinations, combining the most popular OEM presets and often, adding brand new presets making the Sk even easier to play. We’ve condensed the USER collections in some cases to make the selection of presets easier for the Working Musician. You’ll only see the presets that fit the category. Of course the entire OEM Preset list resides in the “P” Bank of the Sk’s.The FAVORITES in each setup are the “Go-To” sounds for that choice, and reflect the sounds you’ll need most.The Presets may all be edited to your needs, and the Setups can be changed, as always.Remember, a SETUP loads and saves in seconds-It records ALL the parameters, Presets, Leslie Cabinets and Custom Tonewheel sets.A WHOLE records everything a SETUP records, plus ALL the Library Voices currently loaded in your SK keyboard. This load/save can take from 7 to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your USB thumb drive.AND BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR CURRENT SETUP BEFORE LOADING ANY NEW SETUP, SO YOU WILL NOT LOSE YOUR PREVIOUS WORK!!

USA Pro Standard Setup (r0914)

10 Presets Tweaked by Hammond USA HQ, in conjunction with some of our top Artists, loaded to the Favorites-A quick basic Keyboard Library for any genre.

Consists of 10 presets

  1. Vint B-3 DLS
  2. Crunch B-3
  3. Classic B-3 Full
  4. Farf Combo Organ
  5. Vx Combo Org/Rho Bass
  6. Stereo Grand Piano
  7. Tine Electric Piano
  8. Reed Electric Piano
  9. Clav (BD)
  10. Church Pipe Organ

Download USA Pro Standard Setup for Sk1

Download USA Pro Standard Setup For Sk2

Pro Standard Expanded Setup

Some of these use Jim Alfredson’s “1954 C-2” Custom Tonewheel Set.
Our USA “Pro Standard” Expanded to include some of the best Organ Presets from the Sk Series, along with New “Tweaked” Presets created by Hammond USA in conjunction with some of our top Artists. The Remainder of the U Bank is blank.

Consists of 25 presets

  1. B-3 1
  2. Swirly & Big
  3. Vintage B-3-J2
  4. Crunch B-3 2
  5. All The Stops
  6. Stereo Grand Piano
  7. Tine Electric Piano
  8. Reed Electric Piano
  9. Clav (AC)
  10. Church Pipe Organ
  11. Farf Combo Organ
  12. Vx Combo Organ/Rho Bass
  13. Classic B3 Full
  14. Squabble
  15. Purple
  16. McGriffin’
  17. The Gnome
  18. Some Lovin’ r3
  19. Grove Richard
  20. 5 Spot
  21. InAGaddaDaVeeda
  22. Green Lady Eyes
  23. GreggsEvilWays
  24. Mr. Hammonds Dream
  25. Full Swing

Download Pro Standard Expanded Setup

Sk Pro Piano Setup

For the times the Sk is called upon to be a Stage Piano, or if the Player is not in quick need of the Organ division. All the Acoustic and Electric voices of the Sk are represented in “tweaked” presets. The Remainder of the Bank is Blank.

Consists of 15 presets

  1. Grand Piano
  2. Road’s Suitcase
  3. Road’s Stage
  4. Wurli E-Piano
  5. Clav (BD)
  6. Wah Clav (AC)
  7. CP70 Egnd Piano
  8. Grand/Strings 1
  9. Upright Piano
  10. FM Belly E Pno
  11. Harpsichord 8’
  12. HonkyTonk Piano
  13. Roads Key Bass
  14. Grand/Strings 2
  15. Grand/Strings 3

Download Sk Pro Piano Setup

Best of the XK-1c Setup

Our Ultralight Xk-1c has become one of our most popular Organs ever. We have been asked to provide the Presets of the Xk in the Sk format. The remainder of the set is blank.

Consists of 64 presets

  1. Vintage B-3 DLS
  2. Purple Smoke
  3. Squabble
  4. Open The Doors
  5. Church Pipe Organ*
  6. Drawbars Dimed*
  7. Vintage BV 31H*
  8. Retro Lounge B-3
  9. Full Gospel new
  10. Model A & PR-40*
  11. Total Praise
  12. Vintage Mellow*
  13. Vintage BV2 31H*
  14. Jimmy’s Sound 8
  15. Ball Park B2
  16. Oblivion
  17. Question 96
  18. White Shade
  19. The Gnome
  20. Some Lovin’*
  21. Hint Of Wah
  22. InThGardnOfEden
  23. Rock B-3
  24. Crunch B-3
  25. Jimmy’s #1
  26. One Foot Preset
  27. The Lower Manual
  28. Full Swing
  29. Mighty Burner
  30. Groove Richard
  31. Five Spot
  32. Mr. Hammond’s Dream
  33. Soap Opera
  34. Walter’s Summer
  35. Sweet Ballad
  36. Onions!
  37. Soul Lead & Pad
  38. Comping Manual
  39. Quiet Prayer
  40. Classic Gospel
  41. Slow Gospel
  42. Contemp. Gospel
  43. Shout Gospel
  44. Quiet Praise
  45. Reflective Praise
  46. Dramatic Praise
  47. VntFctPrstB3 C#
  48. VntFctPrstB3 D
  49. VntFctPrstB3 D#
  50. VntFctPrstB3 E
  51. VntFctPrstB3 F
  52. VntFctPrstB3 F#
  53. VntFctPrstB3 G
  54. VntFctPrstB3 G#
  55. VntFctPrstB3 A
  56. Pianissimo
  57. Piano
  58. Mezzo Piano
  59. Mezzo Forte
  60. Forte
  61. Fortissimo
  62. Reed Solo
  63. Portative
  64. Relic B-3

Download Best of XK-1c Setup

Sk Pro Clinic Set (Big 50) Whole

Our clinicians travel far and wide training our dealers, and presenting seminars for the public demonstrating the wide-reaching capacities of the Sk Series. We are often asked to share the unique set of presets used in those programs. The remainder of the set is blank

Consists of 51 presets

  1. B-3 1
  2. Swirly & Big
  3. Vintage B-3  J2
  4. Crunch B-3 2
  5. All The Stops 8
  6. Ste Grand Piano
  7. Tine E-Piano
  8. Reed E-Piano
  9. Clav (AC)
  10. Church Pipe Organ
  11. Farf Combo Organ
  12. VxCombOrg/PnoBs
  13. Classic B3 Full
  14. Black Beauty 18
  15. Purple
  16. McGriffin’
  17. The Gnome
  18. SomeLovin’ R3
  19. Groove Richard
  20. Five Spot
  21. Bass/B-3 R2
  22. Girls PCD
  23. Melodion
  24. Jazz Guitar
  25. 80s Piano
  26. ACC perf
  27. Flute PCD
  28. Big Band Fall PCD
  29. Big Band Gup PCD
  30. Vibes
  31. Doug Ingle
  32. Jerry Corbetta
  33. Gregg Rolie
  34. Mr. Hammonds Dream
  35. Ball Park B-2
  36. Ensemble Strings
  37. Black Beauty r5
  38. Rhodes Bass
  39. Brassy Bee 3
  40. Syn String Pad
  41. TheatreOrgPad 2
  42. TooMello-Rho/B3
  43. Theatre Org Pad
  44. Theatre Org Tibia
  45. Vibes/B-3 Bass
  46. Jazz Guit/B-3bs
  47. Solo A Sax
  48. Solo Trumpet
  49. Tp. + Tb.
  50. Tp. + Tb. Muted
  51. Squabble

Sk Pro Clinic Set (Big 50) Whole

Vintage B-3 OEM Presets Setup

36 Presets.
The Stock OEM Presets of Vintage Hammond Organs have been used by countless Artists over the past 80 years, making them among the most recognized sounds in all music. There were 2 sets available-The “Standard” Set (sometimes referred to as the “Liturgical” set) which dates back to the earliest Hammond Models. These were the “factory” presets. You also had the option to order your Hammond with the “Theatre” Set, which was a bit more skewed towards popular music. (N.B. Please keep in mind “popular” music here means the popular music of the day-in this case the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s)
These sounds were created by Hammond Hall-Of-Famer Porter Heaps. Here they are replicated, as they were installed on the Classic Instruments at the factory. The Organ Profile for all these registrations is identical, using Jim Alfredson’s 1954 C-2 Custom Tonewheels and a Vintage 31-H Leslie created especially for this Setup by Hammond Artist Steven Eaklor.
There are 37 presets. The STANDARD Upper and Lower presets are followed by the THEATRE Upper and Lower Presets. Favorites 1-10 correspond to U001-U010. Presets U037-U100 are blank.
The Legend on each preset is to be read as follows:
“Up” refers to the “reverse key” presets on the UPPER Manual of a Vintage Hammond
“Lo” refers to the “reverse key” presets on the LOWER Manual of a Vintage Hammond
The Note name (A, B, C#, etc.) refers to the location of the preset on a Vintage Hammond.
N.B. Even though the presets are divided into “Upper” and “Lower” designations, the split function is not engaged, and all the presets will play on the “Upper” section of the Sk.


  1. Up C# 00 5320 000 Stopped Flute
  2. Up D 00 4432 000 Dulciana
  3. Up D# 00 8740 000 French Horn
  4. Up E 00 4544 222 Salicional
  5. Up F 00 5403 000 Flutes 8’&4’
  6. Up F# 00 4675 300 Oboe Horn
  7. Up G 00 5644 320 Swell Diapason
  8. Up G# 00 6876 540 Trumpet
  9. Up A 32 7645 222 Full Swell
  10. Up ! 88 8888 888 Sforzando (extra preset added)
  11. Lo C# 00 4545 440 Cello
  12. Lo D 00 4423 220 Flute & String
  13. Lo D# 00 7373 430 Clarinet
  14. Lo E 00 4544 220 Diapason, Gamba & Flute
  15. Lo F 00 6644 322 Great, No reeds
  16. Lo F# 00 5642 200 Open Diapason
  17. Lo G 00 6845 433 Full Great
  18. Lo G# 00 8030 000 Tibia Clausa
  19. Lo A 42 7866 244 Full Great w/16


  1. Up C# 00 8740 000 French Horn
  2. Up D 00 8408 004 Tibias 8’& 2’
  3. Up D# 00 8080 840 Clarinet
  4. Up E 08 8800 880 Novel Solo
  5. Up F 60 8088 000 Theater Solo
  6. Up F# 00 4685 300 Oboe Horn
  7. Up G 60 8807 006 Full Tibias
  8. Up G#00 6888 654 Trumpet
  9. Up A 76 8878 667 Full Theater Brass
  10. Lo C# 00 4545 440 Cello
  11. Lo D 004432 000 Dulciana
  12. Lo D# 00 4800 000 Vibraharp
  13. Lo E 00 3800 460 Vox 8’ & Tibia 4’
  14. Lo F 00 6554 322 String Accomp
  15. Lo G 43 5434 334 Full Accomp
  16. Lo G# 00 8030 000 Tibia 8’
  17. Lo A 84 7767 666 Bombarde 16’

Download Hammond OEM Presets

Ten Manuals Setup

10 Presets
Many musicians prefer to register their Hammond Organs manually, rather than rely on Presets. We have also found these types of Players are sometimes reluctant to go “under the hood”, relying on the Hammond Profile last used in Manual Mode, which may or may not be the ideal “model” an Organist desires. In this Setup, various “styles” of Hammond Organs with their Typical Leslies or Speakers are assigned to each of the Favorite buttons without registration. Here you may set the Drawbars, Vibrato, Percussion and other parameters as if the Sk was in MANUAL mode. Also included are “Manuals” for the Pipe Organ Voices, Farf Combo Organ and VX Combo Organ. Two extra patches are provided-Acoustic Piano with Bass and Electric Piano with Bass, for the jobbing player’s convenience. The entire control panel is LIVE, ready for your resgistrations.

Positions U011 to U100 are intentionally left blank.

  1. Vintage B-3/31h Leslie
  2. Mellow B-3/31h Leslie
  3. The Relic/122 Leslie
  4. Rock B3
  5. 1930’s Hammond/Pr40
  6. Pipes
  7. Farfisa
  8. Vox
  9. B-3 Bass/Piano
  10. B-3 Bass/Rhodes

Download Ten Manuals Setup

American Classic

Ten Favorites encompassing the most common Classic Pipe Organ Registrations. The remainder of the set is blank.

  1. Principal Chorus
  2. Flute Chorus
  3. String Celeste
  4. Oboe Solo
  5. Trio Sonata
  6. Gedeckt 8’ & 2’
  7. Solo Trompette
  8. Plenum
  9. Full Crescendo
  10. Sforzando

Download American Classic Sk1

Download American Classic Sk2

Basic Keyboard Pallette

(10 Presets)
Ten Presets with a slightly wider scope than our Pro Standard Set, Designed for the Working Ensemble Keyboard Player, Songwriter, or Single Player. The Remainder of the set is Blank.

  1. Vintage B
  2. Full Swing
  3. Comping Manual
  4. Pad O’Stringa
  5. Grand/Strings I
  6. Grand Piano
  7. Road’s Suitcase
  8. Wurli E Piano
  9. Clav (BD)
  10. FM Belly E-Piano

Download Basic Keyboard Pallette

Mighty Wurli Whole

(10 Presets)
Ten Presets inspired by the sounds of the Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ.
Presets U011-100 are duplicates of P011-100

  1. Tibia 8’ & 4’
  2. Tibia 16’ & 4’
  3. Tibia & Quintadena
  4. Tibia 16/8/2
  5. Orch Oboe & Tibia
  6. Tibia & Brass Sax
  7. Tibia & Vox
  8. Romantic
  9. Tibias & Strings
  10. Full Ensemble

Mighty Wurli For Sk1

Sk Series

Tonewheel sets customize each of the 96 digital tonewheels within the Sk series, not to be confused with custom setups.
Instructions on “How to Download a Tonewheel Set” can be found here

Jim Alfredson's Custom Tonewheel Sets

Jazz/Blues/Prog Master Jim Alfredson has cloned his wonderful 1954 B-2, and releases it here for all to share. It’s a bit huskier than the Factory Stock Profiles,and takes to the 122 and 147 Digital Leslie Profiles. The #1 Set should be installed in “B1-5” and the #2 in “B2-5”. As of this writing there is no “Mellow” version of the “Jim” set.

1954 B1 Tonewheel Set

1954 B2 Tonewheel Set

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